2nd February 2024 - New product
The RPICT3V1T1 is our new shiny product. It combines both RPICT3V1 and RPICT3T1 into a single product with more performances. The main improvements are:
- 12bit ADC.
- Provides frequency output field.
- 10Ksps sampling without voltage sensor.
- 5.5Ksps sampling with voltage sensor.
- Configurable channels.
- Supports 1V voltage output CT.
- Lower and more consistent backgound noise.
- Firmware flashable from Raspberry Pi.
18th January 2024 - New documentation
The new documentation upgrade for LeChacal is now live.
11th November 2023 - Pi5
Raspberrypi 5 is confirmed compatible with the RPICT series hat.
9th October 2023 - New product
This is a standalone programmer for Arduino. You can use this to program an arduino without the need of a computer. It uses a SD card to store the sketch to upload.
12th July 2023 - Bug fix for frequency reading
We recommend all our users reading frequency to upgrade to the latest firmware v4.2.0.
Affected cards are RPICT7V1 RPICT8 RPICT4V3 RPICT4W3T1 version 5.
A bug in the frequency computation was making the frequency reading erratic and highly noisy. It has been now solved and a reading difference example is shown below.
To install the new firmware follow this guide below.
Upload Arduino sketch from Raspberrypi to RPICT
Then execute these commands
wget RPICT_MCP3208_v4.2.0.ino.hex