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RPICT4T4 is a Raspberry Pi hat for three phase energy monitoring.

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This page is for board specific information. More information can be found on the generic page for RPICT series.

  • 4x AC Current Sensors
  • 4x DS18B20 Temperature Sensors
  • Microcontroller: Atmel ATtiny84
  • 10bit ADC


RPICT4T4 is a Raspberry Pi hat for three phase energy monitoring.

Version Compatible?
Raspberrypi 1 A No
Raspberrypi 1 B+ Yes
Raspberrypi 2 B Yes
Raspberrypi 3 B Yes
Raspberrypi 3 B+ Yes
Raspberrypi 4 B Yes
Raspberrypi 5 Yes
  • Asus Tinkerboard has been reported to work with RPICT units. Note we wont be able to provide support for the Tinkerboard.

Current Sensor

RPICT4T4 hat with SCT-013-000 and DS18B20 for energy monitoring. Recommended sensor: SCT-013-000

For AC current only.

Temperature Sensor

Connector: 3.5mm Jack

The intended temperature sensor is the DS18B20.

The connector is a 3 way screw terminal connector.


Starting from sketch version 1.4 the RPICT4T4 is configured over serial.

See general instructions for configuration over serial.

Emoncms Config (Emonhub)

For default configuration.

nodename = RPICT4T4
hardware = RPICT4T4
names = Power1, Power2, Power3, Power4, T1, T2, T3, T4
datacode = 0
scales = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
units = W,W,W,W,C,C,C,C

Python Example

Please note the uploaded sketch must have CSV enabled. The example script below will be a good starting point.

First of all make sure you have python-serial package installed

$ sudo apt-get install python-serial

Then copy the following into an executable file and run it.

 import serial
 ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400)

        while 1:
             # Read one line from the serial buffer
             line = ser.readline()

             # Remove the trailing carriage return line feed
             line = line[:-2]

             # Create an array of the data
             Z = line.split(' ')

             # Print it nicely
             print ("----------")
             for i in range(len(Z)):
                 if i==0:
                     print ("NodeID: %s" % Z[0])
                 elif i in [1,2,3,4]:
                     print ("Power %d: %s W" % (i, Z[i]))
                     print ("Temperature %d: %s C" % (i,Z[i]))

 except KeyboardInterrupt:


Sketch version 1.6

Sketch version 2.0



How to program an Attiny85 or Attiny84

RPICT4T4 CAD diagram.