Upgrading to sketch version 4 for RPICT v3
RPICT unit version 3 do not have auto-reset feature and as a consequence it is slightly different to upload the sketch directly from the Raspberry pi.
Nevertheless installing version firmware 4 is still possible. There two methods.
Method 1 - From Raspberrypi
This method only works if the microntroller on RPICT card has a bootloader. To find out try this below. If it fails you might deduce it does not have a bootloader and Method 2 should be used instead.
Download the hex file for the firmware.
wget lechacal.com/RPICT/sketch/RPICT_MCP3208_V3_v4.2.1.ino.hex
In a terminal prepare the command below without laucnhing it (don't hit enter yet).
lcl-upload-sketch.sh RPICT_MCP3208_V3_v4.2.1.ino.hex
Now press the white reset button on the RPICT card and hold it pressed. Launch the above command and almost immediately release the reset button.
If the firmware is being written you should see a series of read and write progress bars.
Try it several times if it fails. If it persists to fail then the controller has probably no bootloader and you will have to use method 2 below.
Method 2 - Using an arduino UNO
One should acquire an Arduino UNO first. These are very cheap on most marketplace. Even clone ones can be used.
The first step is to remove the microcontroller on the RPICT board. For this use a flat screw driver and gently lift it up from its base. Then place the microcontroller on the arduino UNO.
Install the Arduino IDE on your computer. https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
Install the RPICTlib. Download it form the link below.
In the IDE got to Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library. Then select the zip downloaded before.
Download the sketch from the link below.
Then open it with the IDE.
Connect the ArduinoUNO to the USB and upload the sketch with
Sketch -> Upload
Remove the microcontroller from ArduinoUNO and place it back on the RPICT unit.
You should now be able to use the web tool to configure the RPICT board.
Note that version 3 hardware missing the auto-reset feature you will have to press the reset button every time you upload the configuration from the web tool. Timeout will happen after 10 seconds.