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Raspberrypi 5 is confirmed compatible with the RPICT series hat.
Raspberrypi 5 is confirmed compatible with the RPICT series hat.

[[File:Screenshot 2023-11-11 13-58-43.png]]
[[File:Screenshot 2023-11-11 13-58-43.png | 450px]]

==9th October 2023 - New product==
==9th October 2023 - New product==

Revision as of 15:04, 11 November 2023

11th November 2023

Raspberrypi 5 is confirmed compatible with the RPICT series hat.

9th October 2023 - New product

This is a standalone programmer for Arduino. You can use this to program an arduino without the need of a computer. It uses a SD card to store the sketch to upload.

12th July 2023 - Bug fix for frequency reading

We recommend all our users reading frequency to upgrade to the latest firmware v4.2.0.

Affected cards are RPICT7V1 RPICT8 RPICT4V3 RPICT4W3T1 version 5.

A bug in the frequency computation was making the frequency reading erratic and highly noisy. It has been now solved and a reading difference example is shown below.

To install the new firmware follow this guide below.

Upload Arduino sketch from Raspberrypi to RPICT

Then execute these commands

wget RPICT_MCP3208_v4.2.0.ino.hex