RPICT3V1 Disable channels sketch 2
RPICT3V1 by default outputs all channels. Which are
RealPower ApparentPower Irms Vrms PowerFactor
for all 3 Current Voltage pairs computed (ct1 ct2 ct3).
To prevent some of the channels to appear we can disable them by setting the debug variable with a particular number.
Configure with the web form
See the Online Config Generator to get all of this converted from an online form. Read below if you want to understand how this works behind the scene.
How it works
debug is coded on 8 bits where each bit correspond to the following (LSB first).
bit 1 - debug; 0 = OFF 1 = ON
bit 2 - Apparent Power; 1 = OFF 0 = ON
bit 3 - Irms; 1 = OFF 0 = ON
bit 4 - Vrms; 1 = OFF 0 = ON
bit 5 - PowerFactor; 1 = OFF 0 = ON
bit 6 - ct3; 1 = OFF 0 = ON
bit 7 - ct2; 1 = OFF 0 = ON
bit 8 - ct1; 1 = OFF 0 = ON
Note that RealPower is always ON and can not be disabled.
- By default alls channels are ON and debug is OFF.
This is 00000000 in binary and 0 in decimal.
debug = 0
- To enable debug set bit 1 to 1.
This is 00000001 in binary and 1 in decimal
debug = 1
- To disable apparent power and enable debug then set bits 1 and 2 to 1
This is 00000011 in binary and 3 in decimal
debug = 3
- To disable ct2 and ct3 and set debug OFF and bits 6 and 7 to 1.
This is 01100000 in binary and 96 in decimal
debug = 96
To convert from binary to decimal and back use this webtool here.