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Flash RPICT Attiny84 with Arduino UNO

This will guide through the steps to flash the firmware on the attiny84 microcontroller found on some RPICT series.

Required equipment

  • 1 Arduino UNO
  • 6 Jumper wires

See also How_to_program_an_Attiny85_or_Attiny84. NanoProg is a more appropriate tool for this operation.


Wiring for flashing an Attiny from an Arduino UNO.

The RPICT board has a 6 pin ISP port as shown below.

ISP six pins pin out.

Connect the wires between the Arduino UNO and the RPICT board as follow:

Arduino RPICT
10 Rst
Gnd Gnd
13 SCK

ISP Sketch

First of all we must flash a sketch in the Arduino UNO to convert it into a programmer for the RPICT card.

Open the Arduino IDE and open the file Files | Examples | ArduinoISP

Make sure that Tools | Board: Arduino/Genuino UNO is selected.

Upload this sketch to the Arduino uno.

Upload the Attiny sketch

Download the sketch that you wish to upload. Open it with the Arduino IDE.

Select Tools | Board: ATtiny 24/44/84

Then select Tools | Burn Bootloader

Now select Sketch | Upload Using Programmer

You must now reload the config with the lcl-rpict-config tool on the Raspberrypi.