Add a realy board to a RPICT
This guide shows how to combine a RPICT series card with a Relay Board. This is a convenient setup for controlling devices based on power uage decisions.
Equipment list
To mount this assembly you will need the following hardware.
- A Raspberry Pi.
- A RPICT card (can be any)
- A RPIEXP West expansion card. (find it here).
- A Relay Hat. (find it here).
- Some 18mm male-female stand off.
The details for stand off are:
- RPI/RPIEXP West -> 11mm Female-Female
- RPIEXP West/Relay Hat -> 18mm Male-Female
- RPIEXP West/RPICT -> 13mm Male-Female
Software Usage
Make sure you have a fresh Raspbian image installed.
Setup the Raspbian to enable the serial port. See the guide below to
complete this.
Howto setup Raspbian for serial read
Demonstration Script
This is an example below monitoring a single channel CT1. The relay is activated/de-activated when power goes above/below a given threshold.
import serial
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
relay = 21 # use 21 for relay 1, 20 for relay 2, 26 for relay 3.
threshold = 30. # using 30W here
rpict_channel = 1 # using the first channel from the RPICT here
GPIO.setup(relay, GPIO.OUT)
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400)
while 1:
line = ser.readline().decode().strip()
z = line.split(' ')
value = z[rpict_channel]
print(value, end = '')
if float(value)>threshold:
if GPIO.input(relay)==GPIO.LOW:
GPIO.output(relay, GPIO.HIGH)
print(" set to high", end = '')
if GPIO.input(relay)==GPIO.HIGH:
GPIO.output(relay, GPIO.LOW)
print(" set to low", end = '')