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Transform a RPICT into a web scope

This is to show the waveform on a web browser using the RPICT in a special configuration. We will use the Raspberrypi to collect the analog data from the RPICT and serve them as a HTTP server.

IMPORTANT. This is not a substitute for a scope. This is just a playground for demonstration.

webscope from RPICT smart meter


Make sure you have a fresh Raspbian image installed.

Setup the Raspbian to enable the serial port. See the guide below to complete this. Howto setup Raspbian for serial read

Upload the Sketch

The RPICT will require a different sketch depending on the model. Download the appropriate sketch that applies.


RPICT Scope Attiny Version 1.0


coming soon.


Prepare the Raspberrypi for uploading new firmwares. Follow the instructions in the guide below.

Upload Arduino sketch from Raspberrypi to RPICT

Get the scope sketch.
Version 5


Version 6


Upload it to the RPICT unit.
Version 5 RPICT_SCOPE_MCP3208_v1_4.ino.hex

Version 6 RPICT_SCOPE_avr32db32_v1_4_1.ino.hex -p avr32db32

For monitoring a slave card use this sketch instead (replace above hex file name as required). RPICT_SCOPE_MCP3208_v1_4_slave_01.ino.hex

Read The data

On the web browser

Setup the web server

Navigate to the http public folder and install the scope webserver.

cd /var/www/html/
sudo wget
sudo unzip

This will create a folder called scope. There is a configuration file inside called rpict-scope.conf which should not need modification.

Now start a server instance

cd /var/www/html/
python3 -m http.server 8000

Run the service and view the data

From the raspberrypi run the command below. You might have to open a second terminal window for this.

sudo /var/www/html/scope/

Then now open a web browser and go to address


In the above address change 'raspberrypi' accordingly to your raspberrypi hostname or ip address.

Modify yrange in the address as required.

Get the data from serial port

You can read the data directly with the lcl-run command.


The output format is N:d0,d1,d2,d3....dn

Where N is the channel number. d0 d1 d2 dn are the raw data points.

A simple python script to read the data would look like this below:

import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyAMA0', 38400)

       while 1:
                # Read one line from the serial buffer
                    line = ser.readline().decode().strip()

                    # Create an array of the data
                    z = line.split(':')
                    if len(z)>0:
                        channel = z[0]
                        data = z[1].split(',')

                except UnicodeDecodeError:

except KeyboardInterrupt:

This above can be run directly with

sudo /var/www/html/scope/