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[[File:Online_shop.jpeg | link= | 150px | Shop]] [[File:Contact_logo.jpg | 120px | link= | Contact us]] [[File:reddit_logo.png | 120px |  link= | Reddit]]
| Wiki for Energy Monitoring and Stepper Control
|keywords=Raspberrypi,Alternating Current, Stepper Motor, Smart meter, Rapsberrypi Hat
| offers solution for Energy Monitoring with Raspberrypi. We also design hardware for controlling stepper motors manually.

= Projects =
[ <span style="background:#00FF00; font-size:18px"> This is the old site. Please read this page on the new site with this link.</span>]

==Energy Monitoring==
[[File:Online_shop.jpeg |  link= | 110px | Shop]] [[File:Contact_logo.jpg | 90px |  link= | Contact us]] [[File:Tweeter.jpeg | 90px |  link= | Tweeter]]

/!\ Our shop is currently down for maintenance. Thank you for your patience.<bR>
Please contact us on if you have any queries.</big>

==Energy Monitoring==

* [[Raspberrypi Current and Temperature Sensor Adaptor | RPICT Series - Current/Voltage/Temperature with Raspberrypi - Generalities]]
* [[Raspberrypi Current and Temperature Sensor Adaptor | RPICT Series - Current/Voltage/Temperature with Raspberrypi - Generalities]]
** [[ Frequently_Asked | FAQ]]
** [[RPICT3V1]]  - 3 CT 1 Voltage.
** [[RPICT3V1]]  - 3 CT 1 Voltage.
** [[RPICT3T1]]  - 3 CT 1 Temperature
** [[RPICT3T1]]  - 3 CT 1 Temperature
** [[RPICT4V3_v2.0 | RPICT4V3 v2 & 3]] - 4 CT 3 AC Voltage.
** [[RPICT7V1 Version 5]] - 7 CT 1 AC Voltage.
** [[RPICT4T4]] - 4 CT 4 Temperature
** [[RPICT4V3 Version 5]] - 4 CT 3 AC Voltage.
** [[RPICT7V1_v2.0]] - 7 CT 1 AC Voltage.
** [[RPICT8 Version 5]] - 8 CT.
** [[RPICT8]] - 8 CT
** [[RPIZCT4V3T1]] - 4 CT 3 AC Voltage 1 Temperature. Raspberrypi Zero.
** [[RPI LCT3V1]] - 3CT 1 Voltage for large CT.
** [[RPI LCT4V3]] - 3CT 3 Voltage for large CT.
** [[RPIZ_CT3V1]] - 3 CT 1 AC Voltage. Raspberrypi Zero.
** [[RPIZ_CT3V1]] - 3 CT 1 AC Voltage. Raspberrypi Zero.
** [[RPIZ_CT3T1]] - 3 CT 1 Temperature. Raspberrypi Zero.
** [[RPIZ_CT3T1]] - 3 CT 1 Temperature. Raspberrypi Zero.
** [[RPI_DCI4DCV4]] - 4 DC Current 4 DC Voltage.
* [[RPIWA - Waveform Access & Continuous Monitoring]]
** [[RPI_DCV8]] - 8 Channels Any.
* [[Current Transformer Conditioner]]
* [[Current Transformer Conditioner]]
* [[ZMPT101B Module 1x v1]]
* [[ZMPT101B Module 1x v2]]
* [[ZMPT101B Module 3x v4]]
* Orange Pi
** [[OrangePi Setup]]

* [[ACS715 Sensor]]
* [[ACS715 Sensor]]
* [[EMONWRT3 | EmonWRT3 - Wifi Energy Monitoring System with OpenWRT]]
* [[RPICT USB Adaptor]]
* [[ModWRT | ModWRT - Modbus RTU to Emoncms, Thingspeak]]

==Stepper Motor Control==
==Stepper Motor Control==
* [[stepper_UNO_v1.0 | StepperUNO - Stepper Motor Manual Control]]
* [[stepper_UNO_v1.0 | StepperUNO V1 - Stepper Motor Manual Control]]
* [[stepper_UNO_v2.0 | StepperUNO V2 - Stepper Motor Manual Control]]
* [[Stepper_duonext | Stepper Duonext - Stepper Controller with Nextion display]]
* [[stepper_control_v3 | Stepper Control Board (A4988 driver)]]
* [[stepper_control_v3 | Stepper Control Board (A4988 driver)]]
* [[stepper_control_generic | Stepper Control Board (Any driver)]]
* [[stepper_control_generic | Stepper Control Board (Any driver)]]
* [[albawinder | AlbaWinder - Arduino Coil Winder]]
* [[albawinder | AlbaWinder - Arduino Coil Winder]]
* [[MeshCoyote]]
* [[NanoRF24]]
* [[rf24_on_rpi | RF24 on Raspberrypi]]

* [[Standalone Arduino Programmer]]
* [[NanoProg_v1 | Nanoprog Easy Avr Programmer]]
* [[NanoProg_v1 | Nanoprog Easy Avr Programmer]]
* [[NanoFlashProg | NanoFlashProg  - Flash Winbond Chip]]
* [[NanoFlashProg | NanoFlashProg  - Flash Winbond Chip]]
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* [[SKW71 | Skylab SKW71]]
* [[SKW71 | Skylab SKW71]]
* [[MCP3208 Tester | MCP3208 Tester]]
* [[MCP3208 Tester | MCP3208 Tester]]
* [[True Joule Thief]]

Latest revision as of 16:35, 16 October 2024